Peer Mentor Program


The BSCIP Peer Mentor Program offers newly injured clients the opportunity to interact with a brain and/or spinal cord injury survivor who has returned to a full and meaningful life, post-injury.


The program provides a newly injured person an opportunity to interact with another brain and/or spinal cord injury survivor. This allows them to begin healing and start the process of reintegrating back into the community. Studies show support is most effective from, a person who has successfully faced a similar situation. This support develops an empathetic relationship that matches the recipient’s emotional and practical needs and provides credible hope for the future. The result can lead to a decrease in secondary complications, hospital readmission, and reliance upon public assistance, while increasing the survivor's emotional and physical adjustment to the injury, and their independence and overall quality of life.

Peer Mentor Request

If you're interested in being paired with a mentor or becoming a mentor, please contact us for more information.